PACE Newsletter

  • Stay informed
    The PACE newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the latest news, events, and activities happening at Emerson and in our community. This will help you stay informed and involved in your child’s education and well-being.

  • Get involved
    The PACE newsletter will also provide information on volunteer opportunities, committees, and ways to get involved in the organization. This can be a great way to meet other parents, make a difference, and contribute to your community!

  • Learn tips and insights
    The PACE newsletter will alert you when we have special speakers at our Parent Meetings AND provide helpful tips and insights on a range of topics related to parenting, education, and child development. This can be especially useful for tween/teen parents and those who are looking for new ideas and strategies.

  • Build relationships
    By signing up for the PACE newsletter, you can build relationships with other parents and members of the community. This can help you feel more connected and supported, and it can also provide opportunities for networking and socializing.

  • Support the organization
    Finally, by signing up for the PACE newsletter, you are supporting PACE and its mission. This can be a way to show your support and commitment to the organization and its goals.