
PACE Letter to Parents

Dear Parents,

On behalf of Partnership in Academics and Community at Emerson (PACE), our parent organization, we would like to welcome all new 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents to Emerson and introduce ourselves. Our names are Paula Rzazewska and Pantéa McGillin and we are the current PACE Co-Presidents. We are excited to take on these new positions continuing our mission to bridge the gap between administration and parents’ voice through productive discussions, program implementation, and fundraising initiatives, all to benefit our kids. 


PACE leads fundraising efforts in support of Emerson’s academy and enrichment programs, coordinates volunteers and community engagement, as well as school communication via our weekly newsletter, website and social media outlets. 

Our  heartfelt appreciation goes out to the extremely talented, creative and intuitive group of wonderful parents that have volunteered to make up the PACE Board and Committee this year.  

Paula and I chose Emerson for its small town feel. It’s the “secret gem” tucked away in the big city. We are also one of (few) middle schools that offers so many wonderful field trips (Yosemite, Catalina, Academy Days to name a few), programs and clubs (Gardening, Spanish, Dungeons & Dragons, Art, GSA and Mesa), Academies (STEM, Arts & Adventure, Emerson Sports Academy ESA) and Leadership) to cultivate each student’s interests, as well as school events (Fall/Spring Dances, Pie Day, International Potluck and more)! We would not be able to do all of this without the help of our wonderful parent community. Here are ways that you can help ensure we keep all of our amazing activities and give us the resources to implement even more. 


We ask every family to participate annually. The ask is $750 per child to fund all the wonderful programs stated above (not provided by LAUSD). We understand that not everyone is in the position to give that amount, even the smallest amount makes a difference. We would like 100% participation this year, big or small. All donations are tax deductible. We offer both Zelle and Paypal options.

Right now we have several fundraising partnerships in place. Please sign up and help support PACE!

  • FUND PHOTO FUNDRAISER: Offering beautiful family photos by professional photographers for only $50!
  • PANDA EXPRESS PARTNERSHIP: Order online nationwide on Friday, October 25th. 28% of sales will be donated to PACE!


Are you looking for ways to be involved in your tweens life without having to text or call them? You’re in luck! We are constantly looking for volunteers and need all types of thinkers, doers and shakers. *Parents interested in volunteering at Emerson need to fill out a Tier II volunteer application, it’s quick and simple and good for the whole year (TB test required). If you are already an approved volunteer, pick up your badge at the front office.

Upcoming volunteer opportunity:

We invite you to attend our monthly PACE Parent Meeting on the last Monday of every month following the Principal Tea & Coffee in the Parent Center (Room 131). Come say hi, we can’t wait to meet you! 


Pantéa McGillin & Paula Rzazewska

PACE Co-Presidents